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ACHE of Georgia 2022-23 Mentorship Program Signup
About ACHE of Georgia’s Mentorship Program
ACHE of Georgia’s Mentorship Program is designed in response to our commitment to the leadership development of our members and to support the professional growth of our existing and future healthcare leaders. The goal of the Mentorship Program is for participants to commit to the mentoring experience, providing all interested members with opportunities to learn and grow and make a lasting contribution to the healthcare field.
Through partnerships with other local healthcare professionals, professional development will be fostered, knowledge of industry issues will be enhanced, and the value of and participation in the American College of Healthcare Executives will be promoted.
Our next Mentorship Session will be announced soon. Please complete the form below to be added to the list for more information about the Mentorship Program.
Your personal information is important to us. We promise not to share it.
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