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ACHE of Georgia Committees

Our committees need you! Your active participation at the committee level contributes to the organization’s success, and we welcome your interest in sharing your skills and expertise. Most work is done by conference calls and emails to make it easy to participate regardless of your location and work/study schedule. Please review these committee descriptions and fill out the application form below to become involved.

Career Development Committee

Purpose:  The committee oversees a mentoring program for all members and also targets the needs specific to student members.
Committee Chair: Bonnie P. Matthews, MSN, RN

New! Clinician Executive Committee

Purpose:  The goal of the Clinician Executive Committee is to bring applicable learning, networking, and peer support to current and aspiring Clinician Executives.
Committee Chair: Doug Gregory, RN, FACHE

Communications Committee

Purpose: To support ACHE of Georgia initiatives with appropriate branding, marketing and communications in order to build and foster member engagement. Examples of tasks include Website Content – ensures accuracy, readability and functionality of; Newsletter and Social Media – provides and coordinates content for ACHE of Georgia’s newsletter; Event Announcements – works with Programs Committee to provide proper communications around ACHE of Georgia programs.
Committee Chair: Sepi Browning, FACHE, FHIMSS, PMP

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Mission Statement: The mission of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to drive diversity and inclusiveness within all aspects of healthcare through empowering, educating, and engaging Georgia healthcare executives.
Committee Chair: Trevor Brand, MSHA, FACHE

Fellow Advancement Committee

Purpose:  The committee provides resources to assist members seeking to advance to ACHE Fellow including BOG Exam preparation and civic engagement opportunities.  Fellowship Advancement Committee Roles and Responsibilities commitment letter.

Committee Chair: Gina Tipton, RN, MBA, FACHE

Membership Growth and Satisfaction Committee

Purpose: The committee works to recruit and engage new members, improve membership satisfaction for all members, and also has a task force to target the interests of members in the military. View Membership Growth and Satisfaction Committee commitment letter.

Committee Chair: Alex Almanza, SPHR, FACHE
Member Outreach Subcommittee Chair: Carrie Bennett, FACHE

Physician Executive Group

Purpose: The committee offers leadership development, networking and programming opportunities for physician members.

Committee Chair: Sanford G. Duke, MD, MBA, FACHE

Programs Committee

Purpose: To offer programming to ACHE of Georgia members that will facilitate learning, networking and professional development and provide ACHE CEUs. Additional sub-committees are tasked for special events including Local Programs Councils Sub-Committee and Joint Programs Sub-Committee.

Committee Chair: Nicole Denham

Webinar Subcommittee Chair: Marion Spears-Karr, FACHE

Senior Executives Committee

Purpose: The committee provides leadership to organize and maintain connections to healthcare provider senior executives in Georgia. View Senior Executives Committee commitment letter.

Committee Chair: Angela Henry, FACHE

Sponsorship Committee

Purpose: To establish a financial framework for the development of mutually beneficial relationships between vendors, member organizations and members that results in strong financial support for ACHE of Georgia’s educational programming and networking events, and enhances visibility and contact between stakeholder groups. Tasks of the committee include setting sponsorship levels and benefits and developing a structured sponsor acquisition and relationship management program.

Committee Chair: Lorraine Smith, FACHE

Committee Application