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New Member Welcome Center

Welcome to ACHE of Georgia, the Georgia chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives. You are one of the many new members who join our ranks each year.

Fast Facts:

  • Our chapter includes over 1,400 healthcare leaders serving in a variety of roles and organizations across Georgia.
  • 63% of our members work within a hospital or health system
  • 7% of our members are students associates
  • 30% of our members are Fellows
  • Our board leads 10 volunteer-led committees that welcome the support of other engaged members.
  • We have a number of organizations who serve as sponsors, helping us to offer a number of events annually.
  • These events help provide members with up to 12 face-to-face credits needed to earn or renew FACHE credentials.

Nine Things New ACHE of Georgia Members Should Know

  1. We send out 4 newsletters each year that include helpful articles, member spotlights, chapter announcements, and upcoming events. Look for these in your inbox based on the email address you used as your preferred contact.
  2. ACHE of Georgia sponsors an annual mentoring program that matches those new to healthcare with experienced leaders in their region or area of expertise. This program typically kicks off with a special event in November designed to help mentors/mentees set mutual goals and expectations.  The pair then meet in person or by phone at a regular cadence through May.  Applications for both mentors and mentees are collected each September/October.
  3. To help members earn their FACHE credential, ACHE of Georgia offers a 5-week webinar series to help members prepare for the Board of Governor’s Exam.
  4. ACHE of Georgia offers affordable opportunities for members to earn up to 12 face-to-face education credits. Some of these are offered as webinars or as part of our lunch events at Maggiano’s Atlanta Buckhead. Our programming committee also actively partners with health systems and ACHE of Georgia volunteers to bring the same affordable content closer to members in other parts of Georgia.
  5. ACHE of Georgia also offers two Summit events a year. Our Summit events offer members a full day of educational programming and networking opportunities, including pre-event networking.
  6. Our Fellow Advancement Committee also hosts several community service opportunities, allowing fellow members to network while fulfilling the community involvement requirements for ACHE’s Fellowship.
  7. We also partner with other Georgia healthcare organizations like GAHFMA and GAHIMMS to create opportunities for interdisciplinary education and to make new connections.
  8. ACHE of Georgia offers invitation-only Senior Executive Dinners and an Execs on Deck event at Truist Park. These events offer  networking and educational opportunities specific to senior executives leading healthcare provider organizations.
  9. One of the best ways to get to know other healthcare leaders and maximize your membership is to be involved by volunteering your time and skills to one of ACHE of Georgia’s committees. These groups meet together monthly to support a variety of member benefits including communications, relations, programming, and more.  If you are interested in learning more about our committees, click here.

If you any questions, please Contact Us.