LOCATION: Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead
Luncheon topic: “Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare Delivery”
CEUS: 1.5 hours ACHE Face To Face Education Credit
Moderator: Joyce T. Siegele, Northside Hospital Atlanta, Director of Productivity Management
Panelists: Carolyn Booker, Northside Hospital Forsyth, Director of Patient Care and CNO
Christopher Cornue, Navicent Health, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer
Katie Logan, Piedmont Healthcare, VP of Patient Experience
Michelle Winslow, FACHE, Department of Veterans Affairs, Virtual Care Program Manager VISN 8
Discover new insights, research and applications in healthcare systems at the 2018 Healthcare Systems Process Improvement (HSPI) Conference, sponsored by the Society for Health Systems. Join leaders from industry and academia for fresh perspectives and strategies for optimizing operational and quality improvement processes. ACHE of Georgia is a joint sponsor of this event and will present a luncheon program as part of the events on the second day of this 3-day event.
-> ACHE of Georgia members can register for HSPI at a discounted rate!
– HSPI Conference February 21-23, 2018
– ACHE of Georgia luncheon: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm on Thursday, February 22
ATTENDANCE OPTIONS — Register by Feb. 14 for advance rate. ACHE of Georgia Members receive member rate for full conference.
– REGISTER NOW WITH THIS FORM to receive these discounted rates –
-> COMPLETE DETAILS of the conference and hotel are available at www.iise.org/HSPI/