Clubhouse to Zoom Switch
Due to technical difficulties with Clubhouse, we are switching to Zoom for our October 6 session with guest speaker Scott A. Mason, D.P.A., FACHE, Managing Partner, SKM Advisors, LLC. Click here to sign up for this free Zoom program. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you.
About Our Program
Join us for a free session on Zoom at noon on October 6 for “Are We Losing Our Strategic Muscle Memory?,” featuring Scott A. Mason, D.P.A., FACHE, Managing Partner, SKM Advisors, LLC.
Healthcare delivery today is not the same as a few years ago. Teams do not have the same orientation. Some of this may be a temporary response to the pandemic but some may be more structural. Layoffs are beginning, including with system executive staff. Is there a danger that success in the short run may have very little bearing on sustainability in the long run? Are we focused on the right things? Should we be concerned about the risk of losing our strategic muscle memory?
In his recent book, Executive Turned Consultant, Scott Mason speaks to the challenges faced by executives today in healthcare and how there are numerous factors that make these jobs more difficult and less satisfying. We all need to care about the rising CEO turnover rate and the implications for both executives and volunteer boards that are then faced with replacing these executives. A critical way to address this may involve looking for ways to re-establish a strategic base for key decisions that we are currently making.
This session will be moderated by Nicole Denham and Marion Spears Karr and all attendees are invited to participate in the program and share their insights and questions. This free session offers 1 hour of ACHE Qualified Credit. The program format provides a more informal format that allows more time for audience interaction and networking.
Our Guest Speaker:
October 6, 2022
Noon to 1:00 pm ET via Zoom
Free of Charge
1 hour of ACHE qualified credit